H was such a happy boy that I had trouble narrowing down all these sweet smiles! I loved catching up with his parents and spending time with this new family. H is going to go grow up to be one handsome man with those blue eyes and beautiful dark hair. What a lovely family. Congratulations!


A & S

Thank goodness I have two nieces and adorable subjects like A & S to dress up and have some fun girl time! I have been photographing this beautiful family for the last two years. I enjoyed documenting little A for her second session for the year. Her big sister, S, danced in the studio for us and little A was all smiles. Check out those cute baby rolls! Nothing like sweet little girls in tutus!

Happy Birthday L!

Little L just turned 1 so we had to do something fun for her 1st birthday photo shoot! L has this precious little baby doll face and looked so cute in her birthday outfit and Burberry dress. Kari Beth, I hope her cowgirl birthday party was a blast! Can't wait for the arrival of her little sister this summer!